He's going to be a big brother! He's so excited. He snuggles with and talks to the baby a lot. He tells him/her that he wants to play hockey together. He also tells me which "milk" baby can have when he/she comes. We refer to the baby as "our baby" so he feels a part of it all. When we have an OB appointment, he always asks if the baby is going to come out. We've told him that the baby will come when Mommy gets a lot bigger and it's cold and snowy outside (December). Jake saw the first ultrasound with us ("the baby on the computer").

What a big boy he is! Wow! The changes that he's gone through in his personality and ability to communicate recently are just mind boggling. His language has improved to the point that you can almost understand everything he is saying. And they are full sentences! Some of his favorite things to talk about now are golf (I go to putting green with Daddy!), swimming (I put on my swimming diaper and my bathing suit and take off my sandals and jump in!), and the playground (I go playground Mommy!).

Summer has been very wet so far but he's enjoying playing outside, riding his tricycle to "get the mail", swimming and wearing shorts and sandals. I can't wait to see him at the beach in August.
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