Tuesday, July 04, 2006

We've had a wonderfully relaxing 4th of July weekend with hubby getting out of work early on Friday and off thru Tuesday. We've had a picnic a friend's home where Jake enjoyed playing with Thomas, swam at a great pool with those same friends where Jake splashed in the kiddy pool and swam in the big pool, had dinner at Grammie and PopPop's that ended with firefly catching around the campfire and made a roadtrip to Woodstock, NY. If you've never been there, we highly recommend it. It was a beautiful, hot day. So we lathered on the sunscreen and started off on a walk around town. There are tons of unique shops, art galleries and eclectic restaurants. Jake was fascinated by the bubble machine outside of one of the "hippie" shops. One of the neatest parts of the